Muhammad Ali once said that “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth,” urging all of us to help others during our journey through life.
The people we support are no exception! They are an integral part of our community in so many ways, including as caring volunteers.
In 2021, about 25 people supported volunteered weekly, and sometimes several times a week, at Feeding South Dakota, Fork Real, and Meals on Wheels.
They also took on three routes over two days for the City-wide clean-up event and donated socks, hats, and mittens to the School of Mines Holiday Tree made blankets for the Children’s Home Society, and left scarfs and hats for people in need on the president statues.
In total, these 25 caring individuals gave 813 hours of time at area nonprofits in 2021, volunteering a collective 157 times! Their service to our shared community, and the joy they receive in giving back, is something we can all celebrate and learn from by paying it forward.