In celebration of Earth Day 2024, EchoWorks will be hosting a free community collection event as part of the Rapid City Earth Day Expo at Western Dakota Technical College. The public is invited to bring in their old computers, cell phones, flat screen televisions, printers, and more.
EchoWorks, part of the Black Hills Works family, employs two people with disabilities, Blaze and Tyler, who enjoy meaningful days providing an important service for our community. Black Hills Works supports nearly 600 people with disabilities in the Rapid City area, helping them live, work, and play. EchoWorks is one of four social enterprises.
“We’re helping our environment and providing employment to two great guys. It’s a win-win,” said Randy Sheppard, E-Recycling Supervisor for EchoWorks. “Since January 2020, thanks to their hard work and a supportive public, EchoWorks has diverted more than 551,000 pounds from our landfill.”
This free collection event is possible due to the generosity of Black Hills Energy, which provided a grant to cover the costs of a community collection event.
“The grant is helping us waive the recycling fees associated with some items – those larger electronics that EchoWorks has to pay for to be recycled, plus the shipping costs to take the e-waste to an out of state recycling facility,” said Randy. “We are so grateful to Black Hills Energy for making this free day possible for our customers.”
“A key pillar of Black Hills Energy’s commitment to sustainability is social responsibility,” said Lynn Kendall, Community Affairs Manager for Black Hills Energy. “We recognize that by supporting EchoWorks, we are positively impacting the lives of others and the communities we serve. EchoWorks has kept tons, literally tons, of electronic waste out of our landfill. It’s also providing employment to people with disabilities. We’re proud to support these efforts, while also giving back to our neighbors in the Black Hills by providing a free recycling opportunity.”
Before heading to the collection event, the public is encouraged to review the list of acceptable and unacceptable electronics, at Generally, items like laptops, desktop computers, cell phones, flat screen televisions, printers, and the like are accepted, whereas batteries, e-cigarettes, toys, medical equipment, microwaves, refrigerators, and other household items, are not.
The public is encouraged to call ahead if there are questions about what is accepted and not accepted. You can reach EchoWorks with questions at 605-484-6708 and [email protected].
“We encourage everyone to stop by on April 20 to drop off their electronics and enjoy all the Earth Day festivities being hosted at Western Dakota Tech,” said Randy.
The Rapid City Earth Day Expo starts at 10 am at April 20, 2024, and in addition to the free collection event at EchoWorks, will host other vendors contribution to sustainability in our community. The Earth Day Expo will be hosted on the Western Dakota Technical College campus at 800 Mickelson Drive in Rapid City.