Business Support

The dignity of work is a powerful thing.

Having trouble finding good employees? 

Many businesses have called on us to help!  We have a great reputation for matching qualified employees to a variety of job descriptions.

How we can help you

  • Job Analysis: We will analyze tasks and find an employee suited to your job
  • Applicant Screening: We will screen individuals and determine strengths and abilities
  • Job Site Training: Our Job Coaches train at the worksite for the skills needed to perform the required tasks
  • Ongoing Support: The Job Coaches are available to meet your and the employee’s expectations
  • Tax Credits: We can assist you in applying for Work Opportunity Tax Credits, a federal tax incentive for hiring people with disabilities.  

Services Offered  

Supported Community Employment on Location

We have business partnerships where crews of participants are led by support staff to complete needed services on location. Hotel housekeeping, janitorial, and assembly and packaging are a few examples of the types of services these crews provide. Monument Health Rapid City is one of our supported sites where employees assist with packaging. Assessment, training, and ongoing support are the benefits of this vocational option.

Federal Contracts

Black Hills Works provides job opportunities for adults with disabilities as it fulfills federal contracts.  Many of these contracts are based at Ellsworth Air Force Base. We support the Postal Service Center, Official Mail Center, Supply Store, Food Services at Raider Café, and janitorial needs.  

We also have a contract with the Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, NE. We support the Commissary and food service at King Dining Facility, along with rehabilitation services and transportation services to the employees in Omaha.  

Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)

Employers can receive tax credits up to $2,400 per new hire. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program is a federal income tax credit program encouraging employers to hire individuals in certain targeted groups that have a variety of employment barriers. A person with a disability who has a vocational rehabilitation counselor or is on SSI qualifies for this program.  How does it work?

  • Hire a person from an identified target group (a federal tax incentive for hiring a person with a disability)
  • Complete IRS Form 8850 (Prescreening Notice & Certification) and ERA Form 9061 (Individual Characteristics Form). Forms can be obtained at
  • Mail completed forms to:

South Dakota Department of Labor
Attn: WOTC Coordinator
PO Box 4730
Aberdeen, SD 57402-4730

  • Forms must be postmarked within 28 days of the employee’s start date
  • Employees are required to work a minimum of 400 hours.


For additional questions or inquiries into Vocational Services, contact us at [email protected] or via phone at 605-343-4550.