woman in wheelchair in room

Programs & Services

We serve the whole person: mind, body, and spirit, through residential services, healthcare, employment, and more.

We strive to support the whole person in every aspect of life: home life, social interaction, employment, transportation, and so much more.


Our goal is to provide the people we support with the opportunity to live their lives fully and as freely as possible. We strive to provide the resources needed for a meaningful life, through residential support, community activities, and day service programing.

man wiping down tables in a dining room


Whether it’s through one of our enterprises or at a business in the community, the people we support are gainfully employed and contributing members of our community.

a woman being checked by a nurse

Support Services

Through residential, healthcare, employment, transportation, and recreation supports, the people we support are able to live fully and freely.

art hanging in installation


Business ventures of Black Hills Works has varied widely during our 60-plus year history. From a sawmill and a farm in the 70s to an art gallery and technology recycling plant today, the people we support have gotten to experience a wide array of supported employment over the years.